Our clients include large U.S. multi-national companies and law firms, international companies, as well as small
innovative inventors and small companies. References that are not confidential are included below.
Stephen Hash, Esq.
Vinson & Elkins
Austin, TX
“We have used Hesha on a number of occasions in very complex patent matters. Her skill, professionalism
and refusal to quit have gotten disputes resolved. Hesha is outstanding and I recommend her without reservation.”
Steve Koenigsberg
Board Member & Chairman, Special Committee, American 3CI Corporation
“While I was impressed with the process and especially the processor, the range of $10M to $135M seemed insurmountable. But in the end, you proved to be quite a miracle worker! Many thanks for taking this engagement on and for orchestrating the deal. It truly was great to work with you.”
Mark W. McGrory, Esq.
Rouse Hendricks German May
Kansas City, KS
“Hesha Abrams is one of the most accomplished mediators I have worked with in my 25 years as a private litigation practitioner and as in-house counsel for a Fortune 50 company. She has the expected qualities of being a top negotiator: brilliant, tenacious, hard-working, able to learn technology and issues quickly, a never-say-die attitude. But she is absolutely unique in her ability to “read” people and their situations and use that insight to advise adverse parties how best to engage each other productively. Perhaps the ultimate compliment to her abilities is (as I have experienced) when both parties seek her help on subsequent matters.”
Thomas M. Melsheimer
Managing Principal
Fish & Richardson P.C.
“You're The Miracle Worker, very, very impressive work by you to resolve a dispute that goes back 10 years really. You will have my highest recommendation. You are a rare combination of street smarts, book smarts, and a prodigious work ethic. I am very impressed. You are as advertised. Thanks again.”
Stephen M. Naughton
Senior VP, PepsiCo, Inc.
“Hesha, I just wanted to thank you for a truly outstanding job. Your tenacity and creativity were the reason that this case settled.”
Stuart Sinder, Esq.
Kenyon & Kenyon LLP
New York, NY
“Thank you once again for being instrumental in orchestrating a successful settlement of my client’s recent case. Having attended numerous mediations, your skill and dedication are head and shoulders above the other mediators I have experienced. Your approach of complete honesty in your discussions with both sides, coupled with your personal warmth and insightful people-reading skills have enabled you on each occasion to win the trust and respect of both the lawyers and the clients involved in the mediation process. I have marveled at your unwavering tenacity in seeking to find a mutually acceptable settlement. In our previous mediation, you were able to achieve a business-deal settlement at the end of a 12 plus hour day by skillfully focusing on each side’s true business needs. In our most recent mediation – involving not only intellectual property issues, but also unique contractual, confidentiality and valuation issues - you stuck with it for weeks on end with follow-up phone calls to both sides after no resolution was reached at the “formal” mediation session, and despite the parties having reactivated the litigation. You could easily have given up and let the parties litigate, but that’s not your nature. You continued to devote your personal energy to the process until you ultimately brokered a resolution for the case, in between flying around the country for other mediations. I will unhesitatingly suggest you to anyone who wants a truly talented, dedicated, result-oriented and personally delightful mediator to help resolve a seemingly insoluble dispute.”
Roger Borovoy, Esq
Fish and Richardson
Palo Alto, CA
“Miracle Woman strikes again!! I think you can change back into your Clark Kent clothes now. Fantastic, Hesha, you are worth every penny.”
​Gerson S. Panitch ,Esq.
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner
Washington DC
“Hesha I just want to thank you again for your hard work in guiding us to a resolution. You are everything everyone described and more. I would characterize you as a force of nature, and your work as masterful art. On a personal level, working together was a lot of fun!”
Tom Graves, Esq.
McKool Smith
“Hesha, you are the best mediator I have ever seen.”
Robert W. Dickerson, Esq.
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe
Los Angeles, CA
“Hesha, you did a great job getting a very difficult patent case settled, thank you.”
Bob Sanner, CEO
Decatur Electronics
“Many many thanks for a truly remarkable result. You are indeed a gifted negotiator. Count me among your new admirers.”
Pat McGowan, Esq.
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld
“I want to state for the record that in my opinion Hesha Abrams is the best mediator that I have ever worked with.”
Honorable A. Joe Fish
U.S. District Judge, ND TX
“You developed an excellent mediation program for this Court. Your assistance an advisor and mediator has been invaluable.”
Bill Fifield, Esq.
Sidley, Austin, Brown & Wood
“You are phenomenal, and you achieve excellent results.”
Craig B. Florence, Esq.
Gardere Wynne Sewell
“It is a rare privilege to work with someone who possesses the talent, creativity, intellect, and perseverance of Hesha Abrams. In fact, her ability is unmatched in my experience. She is as persistent as she is patient. She is enthusiastic and undaunted by the greatest challenges posed by the most complex cases. She is simply beyond comparison.”
Tim Durst, Esq.
Baker Botts
“She is creative, intelligent, and hard-working. She is no-nonsense with a remarkable ability to quickly grasp the real drivers in any given situation, including the business, legal and personality factors that are important to settlement. All that, and she is entertaining and a real pleasure to work with, too.”
Allison McDade, Esq.
Trademark Counsel
Dell, Inc.
“Just a quick note to thank you again for all your help. You were amazing, and I was really impressed how you never tired or faltered from getting this deal done – even after more than 24 hours with no sleep. I don’t know how you did it, but you never seemed worn down, worn out, or like you wanted to kill us (which is more than I can say for the rest of us, especially the killing part).”
Jonathan M. Sobel, Esq.
Hogan & Hartson
New York City
“Hesha brings a failure-is-not-an-option mindset. Her determination to find common ground is contagious, and very effective. She learns what truly matters to each side and brings the parties to a solution that all can be happy with.”
Perry Narancic, Esq.
Menlo Park, CA
“Hesha, you were highly effective in creating a deal in our very complex IP case that was mediated in Hong Kong. Even though the case involved parties from China and the United States, you were able to bridge the cultural differences and language barriers to get a settlement. I highly recommend you and would gladly work with you again.”
Jim Dawson, Director
INEOS Europe Ltd.
Hampshire, United Kingdom
“Hesha, thank you personally for working our three-party settlement in London. I must admit that at the start of yesterday's proceedings I was expecting a deal on the court steps. The fact that a settlement was agreed and then confirmed in signed term sheets owes much to your patience and leadership. A great result for all parties.”
Dominique Dussard
Juriste d'Entreprise, General Counsel
Solvay S.A.
Brussels, Belgium
“It was a pleasure to meet you and to work with you in London settling our case. I'll be happy to welcome you in Brussels.”
James R. Von Ehr, II
Founder and CEO, Zyvex Corporation
“I had almost no hope for a settlement at the beginning of the day, yet we were done before 3:00 p.m. Simply amazing! I can go back to spending money and time on growing my business instead of doing legal battle while the business goes sideways. Thanks again for your help.”
Rudy Beuttenmuller, Esq.
Thomas & Self
“You bring all of your knowledge, experience and energy to shift the parties’ expectations and perceptions and make compromise possible. You suggested a deal structure that created value for all parties. You are a highly skilled and perceptive professional who brings value many times the fee.”
Jon Hanna, Esq.
Hanna & Hanna
“You struck a perfect chord of compassion, determination, and common sense (and quite possibly a little white magic!). As you know, this was our third mediation and the case had been tried to a verdict, not surprisingly, you did not find everyone at their most open minded. Still in all, you managed to conclude this difficult and long-suffering dispute.”
James M. Coleman, Esq.
Constangy, Brooks & Smith
“I wanted to tell you what a pleasure it was working with you last week. You did indeed surprise me with the outcome. I thought a complete settlement was extremely unlikely – perhaps as unlikely as a 1 out of 100 chance to win the $1M lottery ticket! However, you stuck with it, and were obviously very effective. I will recommend you to my partners and other lawyers, particularly when they need to settle a case that just can’t be settled.”
Brenda T. Cubbage, Esq.
Spencer Crain Cubbage Healy & McNamara
“Thank you very much for all your help on this case. It has been hard fought and very contentious. As usual, you did a great job handling all the BIG egos.”
Christopher Centurelli, Esq.
K&L Gates LLP
“Thank you again for your hard, thoughtful work this week. We are impressed. We'd given it one in ten odds of getting done, but you did it!”
Randy Kucera, Esq.
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld
“I wanted to thank you for doing a masterful job in settling this case. I thought the other cases I mediated with you were impossible to settle, but this one made those look like slam dunks. My only complaint is you didn't let me in the room to video the Bible verse readings and prayer sessions between the ACLU and the Board during the mediation session. I think that might have made FOX news.”
Kenneth Glaser, Esq.
Gardere Wynne Sewell
“The other side did not want to mediate, and definitely did not want to mediate before you. When all was done, they required, as a condition of settlement, that any further disputes between the parties MUST first be mediated before you. That says it all.”
Barbara Seymour, Esq.
D’Amato & Lynch
New York City
“Thank you for your really, really fine efforts in this. I thank you again on my own behalf and on behalf of my clients for putting extra effort into this. I can see why you’ve built such a successful career. You’ve done a very good job with all your efforts and we’ll happily use you again if you’re available. I know that you’re so booked but if you have time, I would love to work with you again.”
David Brown, Esq.
Winstead Sechrest & Minick
“Thank you again for a job well done, I sang your praises and said you’re worth every penny!”
Jim Karen, Esq.
Jones Day Reavis & Pogue
“Your preparation, clarity, and determination to reach resolution in a very delicate case was superb.”
David Steele, Esq.
Christi Parker and Hale
“You are unquestionably the best mediator I've ever had the pleasure of working with. And it is a pleasure. You settle cases that couldn't be settled, and you do it time and time again. You truly amaze me. Thank you.”
Derek Newman, Esq.
Newman and DuWors
“Hesha is Freaking Awesome. I don't know what happened yesterday (or was it last night or this morning?). But how you manufactured cash out of air-and how you convinced those vultures to abandon their antihuman agenda-was unbelievable. When David told me about you, I with great skepticism asked why you're so special and expensive. He told me that he couldn't describe what you do, only that you create magic and are much better than he or I can ever be. For the first time since I met my opposing counsel, I realize he was correct.I look forward to working with you-that is, seeing your amazing magic show again soon.”
Ralph C. Perry-Miller, Esq.
Looper Reed & McGraw
“Given the personalities and attitudes involved, and the complicated legal and emotional issues, I never actually believed the suit would be resolved short of trial. We truly appreciate your spending the extra time and exerting extraordinary efforts to bring the parties together and keep them engaged in negotiations long enough to resolve the suit.”
V Murali
Satyam Computer Services, Ltd.
Delhi, India
“Respected Madam: Thank you again for facilitating this very difficult settlement. You have been brilliant, caring and objective in your approach. I feel so happy to have worked with you and came to know much about you in person.”
Darrell W. Smith, Esq.
Cutler Smith
“Let me once again express my gratitude for your hard work and excellent skills in bringing our construction case to a successful resolution. With all five parties, each with disparate interests, effectively and persuasively arguing their case, settlement seemed remote at best. However, you skillfully (and with a great deal of grace and charm, I might add) brought all the parties into a realistic settlement range, convinced everyone that settlement was in their best interest, and then neatly wrapped up the settlement into a package and tied a bow on top.”
Steven E. Ross, Esq.
Gardere Wynne Sewell
“Thank you for successfully settling another hotly contested intellectual property dispute. You are the most effective mediator I have ever worked with.”
Charles Smith, Esq.
Smith & Moore
“Your imaginative and insightful mediation approach was instrumental in resolving an extremely complex aviation case with a number of difficult technical and legal issues including an intervening bankruptcy. You were exceptionally fair and pragmatic.”
Brian Jobe, Esq.
Wimer & Jobe
“Most impressive was that you quickly grasped the leverage points and personality issues crucial to settling the dispute. You struck an ideal balance in terms of formality, serious enough to deal with tough issues but informal enough to encourage frank discussion. I highly recommend you.”
Joe B. Harrison, Esq.
Gardere Wynne Sewell
“You are by far the best mediator I have seen. In each of the two cases you have mediated you have taken a completely different approach in dealing with my client. It is a tribute to your skills and judgment that you were able to see what needed to be done in each of those cases, adapt accordingly and get the job done. When the case is important enough to get the best, you are the choice.”
Eric J. Lobenfeld, Esq.
Hogan & Hartson, NYC
“Thank you, Hesha; you certainly worked long, hard and relentlessly. It's a good result for both sides.”
Eric B. Meyertons, Esq.
Conley, Rose & Tayton
“It was a pleasure working with you. I appreciate the professional manner in which you handled this case.”
Dawn M. Barrios, Esq.
Barrios, Kingsdorf & Casteix
New Orleans, LA
“Over the course of practicing law for 30 years, I believe I have “seen it all”. But you left a lasting impression on me. You touched each client's heart and soul and obtained very favorable settlements which was spectacular. My 6 clients have been in litigation since 1992 and each has rightfully become paranoid, angry, and cynical. Your people skills worked magic to break down the hardened attitude my clients brought to the table. You are truly an expert in people. Even the client with the most emotional baggage was extremely pleased with the process and the result. There is no doubt that I will seek your professional services in the future. I salute and thank you.”
Lawrence E. Ackels, Jr., Esq.
Ackels & Ackels, LLP
“I was asked by Martindale-Hubbell to rate certain attorneys for their publication. I was pleased and delighted to give you an “AV” rating, the highest possible rating for professional skill and integrity. I have admired your fine work and welcomed the opportunity to recognize you in this way.”
Jerry Ransom, President – CEO
OmniSYS, Inc.
“I was pessimistic about the potential outcome – particularly for an intellectual property case with so many dimensions difficult to understand. Your power of presence in presenting options and persuading both sides led us to a satisfactory conclusion. In fact, I am delighted with the outcome.”
BettyAnn Durham, Esq.
Seagate Technology
Scotts Valley, CA
“Thank you for your invaluable help in getting this done.”
Andy Trusevich, Esq.
Quilling, Selender
“You are outstanding, and you settle impossible cases.”
Kevin Buchanan, Esq.
McDonald, Clay Crow & McGartland
“I want to thank you. You went far beyond the ordinary doing much more than expected. Your tireless efforts, especially the after-hours phone calls, and your ability to quickly grasp the facts and law clearly made the difference.”
Robert Oake, Jr., Esq.
Oake Law Firm
“If you believe no one can settle your case, then you haven’t met Hesha Abrams. She is remarkable. Even in the complex and high-stakes world of patent litigation, she has the intelligence and tenacity to get the job done.”
Sondra Modell Hirsch
Senior Claims Manager
“In a complicated interpleader action you demonstrated outstanding skills. You quickly understood the issues and certainly knew how to manage the dynamics and difficult personalities. You resolved a difficult situation. Thank you for a job well done.”
Scott Anderson
Zions Bank
“The case was settled primarily because of your involvement. We credit the success of the settlement to you and what is described as your very impressive set of techniques, backed up by professional experience.”
R. Paul Yetter, Esq.
Yetter & Warden
“On behalf of The _______ Hospital, I would like to express our appreciation for your successful involvement in getting this dispute resolved amicably. I’m sure you recognized both sides benefited from ending the litigation, and your involvement was essential to finding a solution. I look forward to working with you again in the future.”
Steve Sells, President
S1 IT Solutions, Inc.
“Thank you. Throughout the whole process, the only tasteful piece was getting to know you. I really appreciate your understanding of my position and for continuing to encourage me.”
Timothy Gorbatoff, Esq.
General Motors Corp
“Your unique ability to win the trust and respect of both sides helped turn adversaries into allies. I strongly recommend you.”
Daniel Madock, Esq.
Barlow, Kobata & Denis
“My clients remain thrilled with the terms of the settlement and want to extend their thanks to you.”
Randall Rouse, Esq.
Lynch, Chappell & Alsup, PC
Midland, TX
“It is fascinating that the Odessa American’s coverage highlighted the ACLU position and the Midland Paper highlighted Liberty Legal’s position. So, I guess depending on which paper one subscribes to, each side has had a great victory— I guess that is what makes a good settlement—I am sending this to Hesha to let her know she definitely hit a home run.”
Andrew G. Jubinsky, Esq.
Figari Davenport and Graves
“Hesha takes the time to understand and analyze the issues and is committed to the process – She is truly a specialist in this field.”
Mack Ed Swindle, Esq.
Whitaker, Chalk, Swindle & Sawyer
“It was a pleasure working with you. Thank you for your assistance in helping to settle the case.”
Guy Cohen, Esq.
Davis & Gilbert
New York City
“It was a pleasure working with you. You're a terrific mediator and a load of fun too.”
John Jansonius, Esq.
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld
“My experiences with Hesha Abrams Mediation have been consistently positive. Hesha Abrams takes every engagement seriously and puts considerable energy and creativity into finding means for resolution. At the same time, she makes the negotiation process as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for the parties and the attorneys.”
Lawrence Friedman, Esq.
Friedman & Feiger, LLP
“Hesha did an outstanding job as the mediator. Were it not for her extraordinary talents, this case would not have settled.”
Kenneth D. Carden, Esq.
Carden Law Offices
“Disability cases are very hard to settle. Your impressive array of skills turned adversaries into allies, and you managed to settle impossible cases.”
N. Henry Simpson, III, Esq.
Simpson Woolley McConachie
Dallas, TX
“Dear Judge ….. I write to commend the recent mediation services of Hesha Abrams in an action recently pending before the Court. Throughout Ms. Abrams was clear and forthright in her communication with informed views, valuable insight, and (not least) persistence.”
Hector Mendez
Ector County ISD
“Thank you for the incredible work you did. You had two very diverse groups clouded with perceptions (founded and unfounded) and led us to common ground. You cut to the chase and got the point of our center, our anima. We were very fortunate to have you as our mediator given the unique needs (hurts) of the two groups. Our attorneys feel they can win in court; I feel our community needs a process that respects the two issues verbalized yesterday, transparency and communication. Anyway, I consider myself blessed for having the opportunity to have met and worked with you.”
William Fish, Jr., Esq.
Tyler Cooper & Alcorn, LLP
“Thank you for helping us settle the case. I really enjoyed debating with you and would love the chance to do it again.”
Hollye C. Fisk, Esq.
Fisk & Fielder
“She worked very hard on this complex case and achieved a successful result. Her methodologies were very innovative, and I left the process most impressed with her…Sometimes you really do “GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.”
Joe Mastrogiovanni, Jr., Esq.
Mastrogiovanni, Schorsch & Mersky
“Thanks for doing a great job. You are awesome.”
Jeffrey D. Dunn
President & CEO
HIT Entertainment
“I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed working with you. We owe you a tremendous amount of gratitude and respect. I honestly think that both companies parted thinking that this was an appropriate deal; no small feat from where we started! I learned a lot by watching you in action that I have filed away...I have sung your praises a lot in the last week!”
Robert Brunig, Esq.
Dallas, TX
“Dear Judge: Ms. Abrams’ approach was absolutely and without a doubt the finest I have ever seen from a mediator. I am very, very pleased with the work of Ms. Abrams. In the end, her fee was money well spent.”
Alexander Poltorak, CLP
Chairman & CEO
General Patent Corporation
“...And you certainly are a great mediator. Over last 20+ years since I've been in this business, I've participated in countless mediations. You are the best! Thank you very much for working hard...”
William Gehris, Esq.
Davidson, Davidson & Kappel
New York City
“Thank you again for all your hard work. I cannot imagine that any mediator other than you could have gotten the deal done. I’m sure I’ll be in contact again very soon when all the papers are done, but just wanted to thank you again sooner rather than later.”
David Berten, Esq.
Global IP Law Group
Chicago, Illinois
“Thanks again for all your efforts on _______. I don't think the transaction would have closed without your help and that all the parties benefitted from your calm manner and tireless efforts.”
Frank Majorie, Esq.
Dallas, TX
“Both sides in complex commercial cases can calculate the risks and rewards, but there is often an intangible, but very real reason, why they can’t or won't bridge the gap. Hesha quickly bores down into what the real issues are between the parties and works tirelessly and creatively to bridge that gap. She is an active player in the negotiation process with a very keen sense of when to push, when to pull, and when to stay out of the way. I use her on my ‘intractable’ cases.”
Peter Langley, Solicitor
CEO, Origin Ltd.
“Thank you again for your most skillful efforts. They have reminded me that: ‘In action, watch the timing. The time is ideal when nothing opposes’. LaoTsu”
Joe Garza, Jr., Esq.
VP and Head of Litigation Idearc Media Corp
“Hesha, thanks for all your hard work and efforts here. It really paid off.”
Thomas W. Davis, Jr.
General Counsel
“You were a pleasure to work with, and I greatly appreciate your professionalism, attentiveness and determination before, during and after the mediation process.”
David L. McCombs, Esq.
Haynes Boone
Dallas, TX
“Hesha, you, of course, were great and confirmed Josh’s and my good judgment in retaining you.”
Joshua S. Levy
“It was a very productive mediation session and Hesha, I very much appreciate the thoughtful approach you brought to bear to clear out some of the underbrush that allowed the parties to have a reasonable, candid discussion about a fair resolution.”
Christopher D. Sileo, Esq.
Scott, Douglass & McConnico, LLP
Austin, TX
“Thank you for your tenacity and creativity in keeping after the settlement of this matter.”
Tommy Jacks, Esq.
Fish and Richardson
Dallas, TX
“Let me add my thanks, Hesha – your persistence and creativity combined to achieve a result that, I’m convinced, couldn’t have been obtained had the parties been left to their own resources. Great job!”
Stuart Jones, Pres
American Brownfield LLC
Dallas, TX
“My sincere thanks and appreciation. You are a master mediator.”
Victor Paci
Equity Resource Investments, Managing Partner
Boston, MA
“Thank you, Hesha. It’s been a pleasure working with you on this. We really appreciate your efforts in bringing this to a successful conclusion.”
Matt Hoggatt, Pres
ADknowledge, LLC
“Thank you for getting the deal done for us. It was impressive watching you navigate through all the emotions, opinions, and personalities. You are definitely great at your job.”
Bill Belanger
Pepper Hamilton LLP
“It has been a pleasure working with you, and I really appreciate your responsiveness and tenacity in getting the case settled. I look forward to working together again in the future.”
Brian Adams
IBEX Investors
“Hesha, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your incredibly thoughtful, skillful, and results-oriented approach to mediating our dispute with ---. We were highly impressed by both the style and substance of your work. Thanks again for everything.”
Sean Elmi
Chief Executive Officer, KNK GROUP LLC
“Thank you, Hesha! You are incredible. It was a pleasure. You are worth every penny!”
Matt Muckleroy
“Great job! We all really appreciate all your hard work.”
Charles L. Solomont
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
Hesha, you have lived up to your reputation. Thank you for the great work and creativity and know-how in moving this to striking distance of a done deal. You are excellent at what you do.
Arthur Chaykin
Kennyhertz Perry LLC
Hesha, you are a mediator the way Tiger Woods is a golfer or Larry Bird was a basketball player and Wayne Gretzky a hockey player. Watching Gretzky you think, “Yes, he has skates on, they’re playing on ice – it’s hockey.” But, when Gretzky was out there, all the other players were struggling to get to where the puck was. Gretzky was playing to arrive at where he “knew” the puck was going. In a very real sense, everyone else was playing “legacy hockey” and Gretzky was playing some other kind of hockey. I think that same comparison applies to you. You are not playing “legacy mediation.” You are playing some kind of “other mediation” that requires a unique skill set, a fearless approach, extensive experience, rock-solid credibility, unusual instincts, amazing communication and “people” skills, courage, great energy, and tenacity.
Other mediators don’t have your ability to see the deal. Your style of mediation is so distinct that it simply sets you apart from other mediators. You are a deal maker. You are the agent “for the deal.” Early on, you wade into a case, you listen very carefully, you draw on your HUGE rolodex of prior conflicts and experiences, and then you start to develop a vision as to “where the puck could go.” And then you skate there. I have to tell you: just about no one else does that. And if anyone else does do it, they do not do it with the skill, tenacity, wisdom, and imagination that you bring to the table.
Jennifer Pavane Kenter
Counsel, IBM Corporate Litigation
Thank you for your work on this case and for working hard to get it done. I really enjoyed watching you work and getting to observe the special touch you bring to mediation and the way you read the room and the players. We would not have closed this with someone else at the helm.
Christopher K. Larus
National Chair, IP & Technology Practice, Robins Kaplan LLP
”Hesha, thank you again for you considerable efforts through this extended process. Your creative approaches were very helpful in bringing the parties together to find a business solution to this complex patent dispute. I look forward to my next opportunity to work with you again.”
Charles L. Solomont
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
“Hesha, you have lived up to your reputation. Thank you for the great work and creativity and know-how in moving this to striking distance of a done deal. You are excellent at what you do.”
Jennifer Pavane Kenter

Counsel, IBM Corporate Litigation
“Thank you for your work on this case and for working hard to get it done. I really enjoyed watching you work and getting to observe the special touch you bring to mediation and the way you read the room and the players. We would not have closed this with someone else at the helm.”
Hillan Klein
Chief Operating Officer, Namecheap
“Thank you for your remarkable commitment to finding a way to make the seemingly impossible, possible. Your ability to navigate what was an incredibly hostile and emotional mediation effort with such finesse was outstanding.”
M. Scott Campbell
Gibson Dunn
“A very happy ending – thanks in large part to your efforts! We were very impressed with your approach, your persistence, and your follow through. We hope to have the opportunity to work with you again.”
Jonathan Chen
Chief International Business Officer, MicroPort Scientific Corporation, China
”Thank you for your experienced negotiating and mediation skills/expertise to help us navigate through are difficult situation and get to resolution. It was a pleasure working with you.”