​The Power of Framing
I called an old classmate and asked what he was doing.
He replied that he was working on “aqua-thermal treatment of ceramics, 
aluminum and steel under a constrained environment."
I was impressed...
Upon further inquiry, I learned that he was washing dishes with hot water, under his wife's supervision.
A Win-Win in Odessa
Hesha recently settled a raging controversy between the ACLU, representing a group of private plaintiffs in Odessa, Texas, and the Public School System in Odessa, over teaching the Bible in their public schools. The settlement involved a community-wide solution for a curriculum redesign.
Click here for news article describing the conflict at the beginning of the case
Click here for the Article on the settlement
Randall Rouse, Esq.
Lynch, Chappell & Alsup, PC
Midland, TX
“It is fascinating that the Odessa American’s coverage highlighted the ACLU position and the Midland Paper highlighted Liberty Legal’s position. So I guess depending on which paper one subscribes to, each side has had a great victory— I guess that is what makes a good settlement—I am sending this to Hesha to let her know she definitely hit a home run.”

​Hesha has become the Pit Boss for Race 88 Radial Velosity at the US National Championship Air Race, the largest closed circuit air race in the world. WWII fighters are flown by spectacular race pilots at 250 mph only 50-100 feet off the ground. It’s a high adrenalin rush, history-preserving, fun event. If you’d like tickets or VIP access to the “PIT”, just let us know and we’ll take care of you!
Want a rush? Remember he’s a few feet off the ground at 250mph! Fly Low, Fly Fast, Turn Left!

Hesha is pleased to announce her role on the advisory committee of Instiglio. If you are
interested in getting involved or donating please let us know. It is a world changing model
and she is honored to serve them.
Instiglio creates Results-Based Financing tools in developing countries that tie funding of social programs to effective measurable results. Our tools - such as Impact Bonds and Performance Based Contracts - create accountability and transparency in the use of funds, generate incentives for more cost-effective programs and give providers a performance-driven focus to adapt to the complex nature of social problems.This ensures that every cent spent to alleviate poverty has the greatest possible impact on the lives of the 2.4 billion men, women, and children suffering in a life of deprivation, disease and poverty.
Instiglio is currently working to effectively tie millions of dollars to job creation in Colombia and Morocco, increasing high school enrollment in Mexico, improving agricultural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa, and decreasing crime in Chile. Please consider making a donation to support the efforts of this effective and efficient non-profit organization. Your gift brings us one step closer to closing the gap between what works and the status quo in international development. JOIN US